Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Sneaker"

O significado de "Sneaker" em várias frases e orações

Q: O que significa what is sneaker wave??
A: I had never heard that term before, so I looked it up on google.

In my attached picture, let's say all of the waves usually stop where the orange line is. A sneaker wave is a wave which suddenly, and unexpectedly goes farther than the other waves have gone. So all of the previous waves ended at the orange line, but then one wave suddenly went all the way to the yellow line.

"They are called sneaker waves because they often appear with no warning after long periods of quiet surf and much smaller waves, lulls that can last for 10 to 20 minutes. People arriving on the beach see the smaller waves and assume they are not going to run up on the beach any higher than what they are currently observing. Based on what they see, they get too close to the water and stop paying attention. It is this calm that lulls people into a sense of security. Survivors all say the same thing: They thought they were far enough from the surf to be safe. They never saw the wave coming.

Sneaker waves can follow a quiet wave period (anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes) with its gentle set of lapping waves. These gentle waves can lull the uninformed into believing that the beach is safe to become preoccupied with recreational activities or even taking a nap on the beach. However, this quiet period of gentle waves can suddenly change to large waves that can run high up on the beach, with great speed and force, catching these individuals off guard.

Some of these waves can surge more than 150 feet (45 meters) up the beach. If they're paying attention, a beachgoer may have a chance to outrun the wave, as some potential victims have, but usually they're not paying attention. Many uninformed individuals aren’t expecting waves to suddenly run up to their thigh or waist instantly filling their clothes with water, sand, and gravel. This watery mixture of sand and gravel trapped in their clothes weighs them down like concrete rendering them powerless to keep from being dragged off the beach by the receding wave."

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