Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Rut"

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Q: please correct me 😊

Q. What does it feel like to be stuck in a rut?

It can sound a little boring. On the other hand, I think I can say that there aren't also any big problems. So I don't think it would be too bad.
Even though you're stuck in a rut, I think it's good for you if there's no big deal that makes you feel frustrated, such as health, money, and a relationship like that.
Of course, no big pleasant things that you look forward to, too.
However, I think to be stuck in a rut is okay if you feel satisfied with the way you live.
It's definitely normal life.
I think it's a little help for you if you try to be positive towards your lifestyle, and I'm sure there are definitely good things that you couldn't find out yet.
Regardless, you might need a change in your life if you feel frustrated. To switch the routine or set attainable goals is helpful for you.

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