Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Royal"

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Royal Society of Britain established by approxmately 10 people of scholar who attended astronomy class in 1660's.
at first, it run for experimental study, that was why it run by private charge. y
but in 1662 as royal household admit it. it can be Royal Society of Britain.
there is a sentence to represent this institution at its flag in latin. "Take nobody's word for it"
it means "Don't believe until it verificate, if it is verificated, Have a doubt. Don't believe anything."
based on this sentence we can guess which value is the most valueable in this establishment.
it is endurance and creativity. endurance and creativity is more valuable then wealth and honor in this insititution.
Because of this valuation system, talented people can join there, no matter what Academy from.
untill now thre are tons of great like Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Robert Darwin and etc in this insititution.
these day, the british goverment support this a lot and over 8000 people join this. soa natural?

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