Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Recently"

Palavras similares a "Recently" e suas diferenças

Q: Qual é a diferença entre recently e these days ?
A: If you just say "recently" alone without specifying how recent, then it's assumed that the event(s) happened not too long ago; perhaps a week, a month, maybe a year (but not usually for periods extending beyond that).

Even if you specify how recent, the event still has to be relatively close in temporal (time) proximity to now, otherwise it will sound strange/wrong.

For example, you would never say "Recently, about 15 years ago, I went to a shop and bought a purple dress". There is a "soft" (not well defined) limit on how far back "recently" goes, and if you go beyond that limit, it just sounds wrong.

In contrast, "these days" is a very relative term. If I say "these days people often wear t-shirts", maybe I'm comparing the past three decades to the many decades before that (e.g. a hundred years ago) when people did not wear t-shirts. It's all about the context, and the scale can vary drastically (from a few years up to perhaps 1000 years).

Similar to how "recently" has a "soft" maximum limit, "these days" has a "soft" minimum limit. You cannot compare this month to last month and refer to this month as "these days", that is much too short of a period.

In general, there must have been a major cultural or fashion shift that has taken place before you can compare "these days" in the present to "those days" in the past.

So it would be appropriate to compare the 2010s ("these days") to the 1990s ("those days"), but not "these days" to 2015, 2014, or even 2013. I would generally suggest periods longer than a decade (ten years).

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