Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Pudding"

O significado de "Pudding" em várias frases e orações

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Traduções de "Pudding"

Outras perguntas sobre "Pudding"

Q: She is confused what is a pudding. She thought that a pudding is custard-like sweet such as rice pudding and chocolate pudding with dairy-based and cream. She even doesn't have any idea if it's sweet or savory.
Because in the UK, they call the dessert course pudding irrespective of what's on the plate.
What's more you could say a pudding which is served the end of the course.
In the US, they call a pudding, but pudding custard if it's egg-based and blancmange if it's starch-based in the UK.
Moreover, there is a Yorkshire pudding which is usually meat-based. Blood sausage could also a kind of pudding. soa natural?

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