Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Pledge"

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Q: Pledge

Columbus Japanese Language Supplementary School
Dear Mr. President
Dear Principal

I hereby pledge to abide by the "Rules for Infants, Pupils, and Students" and "Principles" set forth by the Columbus Japanese Language School and to work hard at my studies.

Year Month Day
Name of child/children/student
(Please sign in himself/herself if possible)

In the event that he/she violates the above pledge and does not show improvement in spite of warnings and guidance, I will follow the disciplinary regulations in Chapter 8, Article 54 of the Columbus Japanese Language Supplementary School Administrative Rules.

[Name of Parent/Guardian]

Reference: Columbus Japanese Language School Administrative Rules, Chapter 8, Article 54

In order to maintain the sound operation of the school, the President may take disciplinary action against infants, pupils, and students who do not show remorse for their actions despite warnings and guidance. Disciplinary actions shall be "reprimand", "admonition", "warning", "house arrest", "suspension", and "expulsion". A student who has been expelled after receiving a disciplinary action shall not be permitted to return to school. However, when disciplinary action is taken, consideration shall be given to the physical and mental development of infants, pupils, and students. In addition, in the event that a parent or guardian of a student interferes significantly with the operation of the school, the parent or guardian may be expelled from the school in order to maintain the sound operation of the school. soa natural?

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