Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "I"

O significado de "I" em várias frases e orações

Traduções de "I"

Outras perguntas sobre "I"

Q: ‎When I was at university. I lived in an old house.
Even though the house is too old, I lived for 3 years because It was no deposit and no contract.
It's impossible in Korea. But the main reason was the location.
There was close to the university. It took only 5 minutes. It was very convenient.

When I moved in, I found many spiders. I was terrified of that.
I looked up at the ceiling. It was also full of insects. I called in an exterminator.
It was very stressful.

I got up at 7 am, took a shower, and ate breakfast. I made a coffee and poured it into my tumbler.
On top of that, I made sandwiches too.

That memories are very powerful. Some of them are happy memories.
Life is always difficult, not easy. But It is worth it in my life. soa natural?
Q: ‎‎‎While I read a book in the cafe, I'm waiting for my boyfriend.
He is quite late. but I'm ok.
He must be tired I think.
This time he comes towards to me.
I'm very relieved because he looks great.
He ask me, why don't we see a movie tonight?
I always say "yes".
We arrive at the cinema. Then we walk into the cinema.
Look at the him with the popcorn. It looks delicious. We buy a popcorn.
I look around for our seats.
During watching movie, we are going to eat popcorn.
We talk each other for a few minutes before the movie starts. soa natural?

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