Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Formula"

O significado de "Formula" em várias frases e orações

Exemplo de frases utilisando "Formula"

Q: Me mostre frases de exemplo com Can you give me the formula and example of the IF clause..
A: * IF clause Type 0:
IF+S+V(es/s), S +V(s,es)
=> Describe a habit, an obvious truth, a truth in life.
- Plant dies if they don't get enough water.
- Ask Pete if u're not sure what to do.
- If u want to come, call me before 6:00 pm
=> We can replace "if" with "when" without changing the meaning of the sentence:
If you heat ice, it melts.
-> Ice melts if u heat it.
-> When u heat ice, it melts.
-> Ice melts when u heat it.

* IF clause Type 1:
IF+S +V(s/es), S+ (Will /Can/ Shall)+ V
=> Expressing possible conditions in the present or future
- If the weather is nice, I will go swimming tomorrow.
- What will u do if u miss the plane ?
=> Instead of using the future tense, we can use modal verbs to express a certain degree of certainty or suggest a certain outcome.
- If u drop this glass it might break.
- If he call u, u should go.

* IF clause Type 2:
IF+ S+ V(2/ed), S+ would/ could/ should.... + V
=> Condition that is not real in the present, cannot happen in the future.
- If the weather wasn't so bad, we could go to the park.
- I would be working in Italy if I spoke Italian.
- If I were u, I would follow her advice.

* IF clause Type 3:
IF+ S+ had +V(PP/ed), S+ (Would/ Could/ Might) +have +V(PP/ed)
=> Unreal conditions in the past.
(The structure often implies regret or reproach.)
- If I had worked harder, I would have passed the exam.
- If she hadn't got a job in London, she would have married with him.
- If I had known you were coming I would have baked a cake. (I didn't to know and I didn't bake a cake)

* IF clause Type 4: (IF Mixed)
IF+ S+ Had+ V(PP/ed), S+ Would +V (now)
=> Describes events that happened in the past but are contrary to the truth, these results will be contrary to the truth in the present.
- If she hadn't stayed up late last night, she wouldn't be so tired now.

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