Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Fluctuate"

Palavras similares a "Fluctuate" e suas diferenças

Q: Qual é a diferença entre fluctuate e undulate ?
A: @NuclearWasteJP : In common usage there seems not to be a real difference between them; they seem synonyms even if fluctuate is used way more often than undulate.
The difference is in the root meaning each of the two verbs has. Both verbs are talking about a wave, but while fluctuate means a travelling wave, which you see if your viewpoint is focused on the crest of a wave looked against the medium in which it propagates, like the small waves moving in a pond as a result of a stone you tossed in it, instead undulate means the up and down movement you see when you are staring at a fixed point on a rough liquid surface, like when you stare at the same point on the surface of the sea, which moves up and down all the time.
But in common usage habits have that the verb fluctuate cannibalized the meaning of the verb undulate, while keeping its own: for example you say 'the $ exchange rate fluctuates', although the exchange rate doesn't really move through a medium, unless you think of it as the time that passes, instead the $ exchange rate goes up and down, so in the root meaning you should say 'the $ exchange rate undulates', but nobody talks like that. Then you say 'the little waves fluctuated across the pond', which abides both the original and the current usage of fluctuate to mean the movement through a space. Here saying 'the little waves undulated in the pond' wouldn't give the idea of what you are really looking at, a movement, so 'the little waves undulated in the pond' is wrong in that it's not what you are really seeing. And again you say 'the sea heavily fluctuated in the storm', even though you don't really sense something travelling, but something going up and down, so, in the original use, you should say 'the sea heavily undulated in the storm', yet again nobody says that.

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