Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Deserve"

O significado de "Deserve" em várias frases e orações

Palavras similares a "Deserve" e suas diferenças

Q: Qual é a diferença entre deserve e eligible ?
A: Eligible- is proper to be chosen, fit for the job, having the right qualification

Deserve- It should be yours because you have earned it

Their is a big difference between the two, yet close in meaning.

1.)"Eligible" is practically saying your 100% perfect for something
"Renz is eligible to be the next president of the Philippines"

2.)"Deserve" is quite different, it has this sense of justice you aren't getting,while the meaning is close to "eligible" yet the word "deserve" is like:

"I deserve to be happy, yet why am I this lonely!?"

"Renz deserve a meaningful life"

We use "deserve" commonly on things we don't have yet, while "eligible" we use for jobs/occupations that would suit a person

3.)"I am eligible to have a wife, because I'm already 30"

4.)"I deserve to have a wife, because I'm already 30" - using this sentence can have many meanings in a positive or negative way, unlike if you used the example on number 3.

Note: don't be too confuse cause it can be, though the word "deserve" is commonly used for something you aren't getting, it still depends on your sentence.

-you won your first marathon, being first place, someone said to you "You deserve that medal"

-you lost a marathon, and didn't get a medal, your mother said "you deserved that medal."

if you read both examples there is a difference yet same sentence, depending on what's happening, and if you read closely i didn't used the word "eligible" though he won because that's the right grammar to use. Now the next step to do is to know in what occasions you should use "ELIGIBLE" and "DESERVE"

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