Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Composition"

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Q: Below is my composition, please check it out and correct my mistakes. thanks a lot!
My hometown is Zigong city, Sichuan province, China.
Zigong city is located in the southern part of China.
This city is a little bit old, therefore, compare to metropolises such as Shanghai, high buildings here are much less.
However this city is very lively and convenient.
Speaking of famous places here, Zigong Dinosaur Museum is one of the three major dinosaur sites in the world. Many tourists come here to visit it.
Besides, the city holds lantern festival every year, which also attracts a lot of tourists worldwide.
Famous products here are well salt.
It’s a traditional method to get salt from the very old well.
In 2006, the Zigong well salt produce technique was enrolled in the first batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage list.
As for food, there are many good dishes in Zigong, hot pot is one of them.
If you come to Zigong, I’d suggested you try it.
Q: In this composition,I'd like to write about my meeting with tabletennis .
I started to play tabletennis for the first time in my life after getting into highschool .
Until then I had been playing soccer for 9 yeats, so it never occurred to me that I would join tabletennis club though,when I saw club members play earnestly I came to think I want to play it as a club member. Afterwards I wavered between the two chices for several days ,but I finally decided to choose tabletennis. The early time when I begun to play it,I just couldn't play well like others did,but as l keep trying,l gradually became good at it. At that time through playing that I realized the importance of never give up and having iron mind. Also,I learned that I need to make strategy to achieve something.
I will face countless number of difficulties from now on. And If I would be about to knock down by them ,I'm sure that these experiences would be great help.

sorry for my poor writing ability 😥 soa natural?

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