Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Close"

Exemplo de frases utilisando "Close"

Q: Me mostre frases de exemplo com close .
A: CLOSE (adjective)
1. a short distance away or apart in space or time.

example sentence:
"The hotel is close to the sea."

A) with very little or no space in between; dense.

example sentences:
"The cloth has a close weave."
"The airplanes are flying in close formation."

B) being in a small space.

example sentence:
"The animals are in close confinement."

C) very near to (being or doing something).

example sentences:
"On a good day the climate in Los Angeles, California is close to perfection."
"I was close to tears."

D) (with reference to a competitive situation) won or likely to be won by only a small amount or distance.

example sentences:
"The race will be a close contest."
"Both fighter's had muscles of the same size so the game was a very close match."

2. Denoting a family member who is part of a person's immediate family, typically a parent or sibling.

example sentence:
"There is family history of cancer in close relatives."

A) (of a person or relationship) on very affectionate or intimate terms.

example sentences:
"They had always been very close friends, with no secrets at all."
"They had always been very close coworkers, with no secrets at all."

B) (of a connection or resemblance) strong.

example sentence:
"The college has close links with many other institutions."
"The daughter's face looks really close to her father's."

3. (of observation, examination, etc.) done in a careful and thorough way.

example sentences:
"We need to keep a close eye on this project."
"The parents of the teenage boyfriend and girlfriend kept a close eye on them so the teenagers wouldn't do anything they weren't supposed to be doing."

A) carefully guarded.

example sentence:
" His whereabouts are a close secret."


CLOSE (adverb)
1. in a position so as to be very near to someone or something; with very little space between.I

example sentence:
"They stood close to the door."


2 CLOSE(verb)
1. move or cause to move so as to cover an opening.

example sentences:
"She jumped into the train just as the doors were closing."
"She closed the door."

A) block up (a hole or opening).

example sentence:
"Glass doors close off the living room from the hall."
"Hurry up a close the hole in the boat so it won't start leaking!"

B) bring two parts of (something) together so as to block its opening or bring it into a folded state.

example sentence:
"Loretta closed her mouth."

C) gradually get nearer to someone or something.

example sentences:
"They plotted a large group of aircraft about 130 miles away and closing fast."
"The enemy was closing in fast."
"The gap is closing."

D) come into contact with (something) so as to encircle and hold it.

example sentences:
"My fist closed around the weapon."
"His arms closed around her to give her a hug."

E) make (an electric circuit) continuous.

example sentence:
"This will cause a relay to operate and close the circuit."

2. bring or come to an end.

example sentences:
"The members were thanked for attending, and the meeting was closed."
"He closed the meeting"

A) (of a business, organization, or institution) cease to be in operation or accessible to the public, either permanently or at the end of a working day or other period of time.

example sentences:
"The factory is to close with the loss of 150 jobs."

B) finish speaking or writing.

example sentence:
"I will close my essay with a point about truth."

C) bring (a business transaction) to a satisfactory conclusion.

example sentences:
"He is going to close a deal with a metal dealer."

D) remove all the funds from (a bank account) and cease to use it.

example sentence:
"I want to close my Sun Trust bank account and open a new account with Wells Fargo Bank."

E) make a computer data file inaccessible after use, so that it is securely stored until required again.

example sentence:
"I am going to close my Photoshop document."

1. the end of an event or of a period of time or activity.t

example sentences:
"The afternoon drew to a close."
"The close of the political talks signaled the audience to go home."

A) the end of a day's trading on a stock market.

example sentence:
"At the close the Dow Jones average was down 13.52 points."

B) the conclusion of a phrase in music; a cadence.

example sentence:
"The close of the song was when I noticed that all of the people in the audience were crying."

2. the shutting of something, especially a door.

example sentence:
"The door jerked to a close behind him."

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