Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Bodyguard"

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Q: When you, bodyguard are about to say "Who the hell does this son of a bitch think he is?!", you notice you gonna say the words containing swear words in front of noble lady or children, you think "Oh, this should not be in front of them", and you stop the words in the middle of the words, then you are going to say like this,
"Who the hell does this son of a....?! ...Who the heck does he think he is?"
Is this gramatically weird??
Q: There were bodyguards, but they were not positioned behind him.

But that is a superficial problem. I think the essential problem is that Japan is so safe a country that somewhere in the back of their minds they believe that terrorism will not happen.

Perhaps in the United States, a former prime minister would never give a speech in the presence of an unspecified number of people. It is too much of a risk.

So, I hope that this is an opportunity to strengthen the security system so that the same thing will not happen again. soa natural?

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