Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Waka"

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Q: Waka requires knowledge of classical Chinese literature and classical Chinese poetry.
By incorporating Chinese classical literature into Waka, I can express a deeper view of the world and emotions.

At present, there are one opinion in Japanese higher education that “Chinese classics are useless and should be abolished from compulsory education”.
Nevertheless, the current Japanese era “Reiwa” is a collection of poems of Waka called "Manyo-shu".
This is the oldest Waka collection in Japan.
Since all the previous eras were sourced from ancient Chinese literature, it became a hot topic that “Ryowa” was "The first era from Japanese literature” in Japan.

For me who studied classical literature in Japan and China, I feel that this atmosphere is a little contradictory.
I want more Japanese people to cherish Japanese culture, literature and history. soa natural?

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