Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Urashima"

Outras perguntas sobre "Urashima"

Q: Urashima Taro <an old story of Japan>
Once upon a time, there was a young man whose name is Urashima Taro. One day, Taro helped a turtle which had been bullied by children. And the turtle said "Thank you very much for your help.", and lead him to a castle in the sea.
At there, there was a so beautiful and kind princess. Taro had enjoyed days at there, but he became wanting to go home. When going home, the princess gave him a box as a souvenir. But she warned him not to open the box.
Taro went back to the ground, but there wasn't his home. A passersby said there was Urashima Taro's house around 300 years ago. Becoming sad, Taro opened the souvenir box. Then the box blew white smoke, and Taro became an old man with white hair. soa natural?

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