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The effects of discrimination 

    There are the variety of discriminations. For example, racial , sexual,and so on .But I think racial discrimination is the most common in the world. Although many people are friendly to others , there is no denying that some people still have the prejudice to others.I think discriminations can happen almost everywhere .If a person is different from others and people don't have enough recognize about he or she, then the discrimination will happen .
  One year ago, I traveled to a foreign country .When I went to a clothes store and wanted to buy a beautiful dress, the clerk came and asked me to go out. He also told me that he won't sell clothes to yellow people . After hearing those words, I started crying and ran away. Since then, I have become very careful if I want to buy things in a foreign country , for I'm afraid this will happen again. I think discrimination shouldn't happen. And we can solve this phenomena by education. If every family and teacher teaches their kids and students about the effects of discrimination ,then they will have more empathy and have the ability to condone people different from them.

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