Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Mis"

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Q: well, I choose to study MIS
aFter isaw how techlogy can positively
change our Lives and busineses and coz i like to see things in action
I decided to start my career early when I joined my uni, Luckily this gave
me the chance to apply the theory and see how busines run in areas
related to stock mangment
tax regulations and cash Flow
Working as consumer sales consultant give me the Privilage To be in
direct contact with clients from
different background
the ability to be communicate
with business leaders in the market In addition
it helps me to work in a-group and achieve-the company goals
Now that i graduated Iwant to further develop those skills it stills by working with companies
to understand how to make them more valuable soa natural?

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