Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Kwansei"

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Q: I choose Kwansei Gakuin University is about 3 reasons. First, KGU is famous in Kansai area. So, I believe that KGU can provide good qualified teachers and I can learn well in KGU. Second, campus location is suitable for foreigners. Many people choose Tokyo or Osaka, because there are traveling spots. Sure that except for Tokyo and Osaka, other cities will be a little rustic. But KGU located at Hyogo where near Osaka and convenient transport. Also the house is cheaper than Tokoyo and Osaka a lot, specially suitable for exchange student. For the last reason, KGU provide Japanese program for exchange student. For apply other university in Japan, I must have intermediate level of Japanese speaking. But KGU give more chances to exchange student who can not speak Japanese well but want to exchange to Japan. soa natural?

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